Wildlife Adventures
"I marvel at the technology that permits me to
take intimate photos of birds, allows me to edit
them by computer, then share them online!"

The majesty and
intensity of falcons
can be seen from
the mighty
Peregrines to the
diminutive American
We hope you enjoy some of Paul's newest photos, starting with the fast and impressive falcons and ending with another swift species!
Paul Konrad uses Canon cameras, lenses, and other Canon photo equipment exclusively - and always has!
What luck this guy Konrad has among
the birds of the world. He says he's most
happy on a sunny day with his camera
and telephoto in hand in a birdy realm!
- We believe him!
Warblers are among the
hardest birds to
photograph - but luck was
with me when  I
encountered this young
Yellow-rumped Warbler
standing amid a stonefield.
Aptly named, swifts are among the
fastest, most agile birds in the sky.
An hour spent among a flock of
White-throated Swifts recently
underlined their avian artistry and
their ability to glide in a windless
realm - or one in which they are
super-propelled by blustery winds.
Trying to photograph these master
gliders gives proof to the reasons
why so few photographers have
stopped their actions in mid-flight.
White-throated Swifts have become
a favorite species during many
enjoyable encounters in the field.
with Paul Konrad
If you are interested      
in entering the exciting
world of wildlife
photography, check
out Canon cameras
and lenses
first               - and last.

They will provide a
lifetime of enjoyment!

One of the fastest birds in flight,
Peregrines are the ultimate
aerial speedsters as well as
lethal avian pedators.
Peregrine Falcons
may be the ultimate
aerial predators,
but the miniature
American Kestrels
are every bit as

Wildlife photographers must
always be ready for a secretive
species to pop out of a thicket
to reveal itself as a photo
subject, such as this trusting
Large-billed Savanah Sparrow.
Greater Yellowlegs
American Wigeon pair
American Bittern
Soaring American White Pelicans
are an impressive sight as they sail
winter winds on 9 foot wingspans.
Kite and kestrel, birds of prey
on the hunt - White-tailed Kite
and male American
Up close and personal, an Osprey offers a regal portrait, but
raptors are the ultimate challenge to photograph in flight.
Semipalmated Plover  
Black-necked Stilt
American Kestrel  
American Kestrel  
Black-crowned Night Heron
male              female
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site by clicking on  
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